I know this is off topic for this site but I needed some place to post this. I learned programming when I was fairly young (around 12 years old) and shortly thereafter became particularly interested in writing games, as I’m sure is the case for many programmers, and especially those who are young. I have…
Category: Mathematics
Mathematics in general
Pure Math Hiatus
Unfortunately I am having to take a hiatus from studying pure math. The reason for this is that I need to focus on completing my PhD dissertation in Electrical Engineering. This saddens me because I most certainly enjoy studying pure math more than my formal school work, though I do enjoy that as well. However,…
My View of Mathematics
Whether you enjoyed mathematics in K-12 school or not, most people have never been exposed to “real” math. The first phase of mathematics as taught in K-12, and even as taught to engineers and physicists at the university level, is often dubbed “computational” mathematics. This typically involves using established methods to compute numerical results or,…